Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'm Jinxed....

Oh no no, not really, May Allah protect me from all evil,but when it comes to hell i am!!!

See, the thing is that everytime our computer crashes ....its because of me. We got our first computer when i was in, i guess grade 7th and since then every single time its been out of order, the credit has always found its way back to me.

And before any of you think that i take some sort of weird pleasure in blowing the machine off..i don't okay, i seriously don't. Instead i dont even have any freakin idea about what i do wrong to make it crash. I mean ok ok! i accept that i'm not much of a computer guru but then i'm not a complete dork either who does not know how to switch it on, work on the microsoft word, powerpoint,surf the net etc and shut it down properly but everytime the windows have been corrupted; the last person to use it had been me..who else?

I dont know what is wrong with me. In these summer vacations alone i have managed to crash it THREE times, the first time something went wrong with the internet connection. The next time was when i switched it one one bright sunny afternoon, the damned CPU did'nt work and now i have managed to do something to the Monitor!! bravo bravo bravo... sigh... so you see why i cant help thinking if i'm jinxed.... lets just pray that now when i switch this thing off after hitting the publish button, it does get switched on when someone tries to use it the next time or my brother will kill me.. not that he did'nt try this time..


Anonymous said...

aww poor soul ! *hug*
dont worry, i too messed up with our headphones after a long sykpe chat with my bro :s

Americanising Desi said...

once upon a time i was carrying the weight of this on my shoulders :|

thank God once upon a time is over!

lost in rome said...

@moby..u did it just once or twice idhar tuo i have lost count

welcome to the blog...good for u cant wait for it too be over for me