Wednesday, January 28, 2009

" life sucks and then it ends"

Friday, January 9, 2009

2 aur Duo Char

OK now moby tagged me to do this simple fun tag post.. ya i know i am late, my apologies. so without further ado..

4 Places I Go to Over and Over Again

4. some market
3. School
2. My Nani's place
1. College

4 People Who Mail Me Regularly

4. 4shared team
3. Kinnaird environment society
2. Hotmail team
1. Friends

4 of My Favourite Places to Eat

4. Any gol gappa wala
3. French fries wala, anytime anywhere
2. Anywhere in college except the cafe
1. Home

4 Places I’d Rather be Now

4. Rome or any European city
3. A theme park taking all kinds of crazy rides.
2. A hill station, preferably Kalam
1. Where i already am, home

4 Favourite TV Shows

4. Home improvement, steps to a new you
3. Nigella feasts
2. Drake and josh
1. Full house ( loved this sitcom)

4 Movies I Could Watch Again and Again

4. Step up 2
3. A walk to remember
2. Hunters
1. 27 dresses

and lastly 4 people to be tagged

4. hfm

3. e.t

2. a. joe

1. summer

Friday, January 2, 2009

Irrepareable Damage

If she had ever wished for death, it was now.

We are allowed to make mistakes, instead this is precisely what makes us human, however, we are not allowed to make the mistake that destroys us; that one fatal mistake.

She had committed her fatal error. It was not that she had robbed a bank neither had she planned an assassination of someone or murdered a person. But no, she had, indeed, killed a person. However, her weapon of choice was not a gun, poison or axe etc, her weapon was only her words; venomous, spear- shaped words which had pierced the heart of her victim, a fate equally worse as death, an irreparable damage.

The irony was that it was not the victim who suffered the most, it was the oppressor because she had hurt the only person who mattered the most on the earth to her.

The knowledge that it was the first time in her life that she had lost control worked as fuel being added to the fire. The heartache that she had caused to the other was unbearable and even more unbearable was the thought that it was she, of all the people, who was responsible for it.

She will be forgiven but she was not oblivious to the fate that the wounds do heal ultimately but the scars are always there for eternity and that the wounds inflicted by tongue do more damage than those by the sword. She continuously suffered from the pain that she had caused. She was alone now. How she wished for the earth to open up and conceal her in its folds and to numb the ceaseless pain. That pain, that terrible, heartrending pain was now her only companion as she journeyed deeper and deeper into the dark, thick and thorny jungle of remorse.

Her fatal mistake had destroyed her, had tainted her relationship with her most beloved person in the big bad world, most importantly, her fatal mistake had tarnished her image in her own eyes, brought her down on her knees with her head hung low and face shielded, by the curtain of her hair, from the world. Oh she could face the rest of the world, she was in fact, with the humility of a wrongdoer. In the days to come, people will forgive and forget, but the million-dollar question was how would she Forget and Forgive herself??